French Fries Is Not Health Food, And Stop Turning It To One!
I say this unabashed persecution of the french fry has gone too far.
McDonald's famous french fries hogs the headlines again. Not a week ago advocacy groups badgered the potato product for containing more fat than its maker previously thought.

The acknowledgment has stirred anger and some concern among consumers who are on gluten-free diets since it was posted on McDonald's Web site.
"If they're saying there's wheat and dairy derivatives in the oil, as far as anyone with this disease is concerned there's actually wheat in it," said New York resident Jillian Williams, one of more than 2 million Americans with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten...They should have disclosed that all along," she said. "They should never have been calling them gluten-free."
Meanwhile,'s Master Motivator named Julia continuously berates McDonald's for lying about its fries' saturated fat content:
"That means the level of potentially artery-clogging trans fat in a portion of large fries is eight grams, up from six, with total fat increasing to 30 grams from 25."
C'mon lady, if you care so much about your food intake no health-conscious padawan in her right mind should be going to McDonald's for a 'healthy' meal. It's fast food and we don't expect to eat soya, we all know that. We're not babies.
Regular fast food worshippers like our food greasy, tasty, and with fat. If you take that away we might as well start flocking to a vegetarian deli or something. You don't go to McDonald's, order fries and expect that you're eating health food. So don't start complaining about it having too much fat. And don't expect it to become nutritious either. That's a load of bollocks.
If you don't like it then don't eat it. Period. So please, leave our beloved french fry alone.
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