Virtual Angel? Not...haha!

We met working for a virtual company, and in the year and a half that we've worked together we've only met around 10 times. But online we're like Siskel & Ebert, ranting and raving about tireless company policies that change way faster than you can say P-O-L-I-C-Y. Or we'll simply talk about the ways of the world that we, more often than not, find ridiculous and recipes for a bad comedy. Work becomes easier and tolerable to handle with her around.
She has several cats but her favorite is one named Aloof who gives her allergy, unending scratches, and slow-healing rashes. But she loves her cats, she picks them up from the streets and acts as surrogate mother to those poor orphans.
And since she's still working from home, traffic for her means: "My blanket got in my way going to the computer."
We don't work together anymore, but I still find refuge in her whenever I'm having a bad day or work simply becomes repetitive or too much to handle for a day. Or when everyone else around me looks at me like I'm some alien thrown into earth and they just don't get me.
Allen surely gets me, because we're so much alike i guess. She's a friend i can count on even in her physical absence. Thank god for technology, I have a friend in cyberspace I can call in anytime.
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