We Have To Carry Each Other...

Last week U2 announced it is postponing the last 10 dates of the group's Vertigo tour "due to the illness of an immediate family member of one of the band." Fans are now aware that The Edge's 7-year-old Sian Evans is suffering from leukemia.
As expected it was Bono who broke the band's silence on the matter, though, lacking in real detail:
‘I can't really get into details why,’ Bono told presenter Andrew Denton. ‘There was a lot of distress and angst...Our music does come out of (a) very tight community,' he said. 'So if one of us is going through it we're all going through it.' [u2.com]
All U2 fans are saddened by this news, I know I am...
Anyway, here's the only story I could find with sufficient info about the Edge's family dilemma: U2: cancer cause of Vertigo '06 Tour postponement >>
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