The Vatican Idol
I've always had great admiration for Pope John Paul II, because of his stand on world labor, human rights, and his stance against poverty. For building bridges between religions and faiths, and especially for admitting the Church's impotence regarding historical tragedies such as the Holocaust and the Inquisition.

1. Although he tried to preach about equality among all faiths and races he failed to put women on equal footing with the men inside his own Church. Women cannot be ordained because those old geezers inside the Vatican still think men are God's special people. Therefore only them are qualified enough to give Catholics blessings, communions, and all those whatnots.
I abhor all forms of religion that think lowly of women.
2. He was against the use of contraception. Therefore he would rather have millions of children be born with AIDS and starve to death. And he would rather have women suffer from husbands who think sex is their god-given right and won't give a shit if she can get pregnant again for the nth time.
Women have the right to protect their body. They have the right to refuse pregnancy. This is beyond the issue of responsible sex. We all know that in many third world culture women have no say regarding this issue.
3. He is against same sex union. It's always been my policy that homophobia reveals the true character of a man. That of a low-life bigot. Do you really think God is that pea-brained to think homosexuals are freaks of nature?
4. Most importantly, he is being used by the Vatican to keep all its faithfuls loyal to the church. We all know many Catholics don't like Papa Razzi. His dogma are obsolete, his preachings should be burned at the stake. Oh wait but that would be an insult to the memory of all those they accused of witchcraft during the Dark Ages.
Young Catholics especially place Pope John Paul on a pedestal. Now that he's gone so is the magic. And that's why they're fast-tracking this sainthood bullshit.
These old school Vatican leaders know of his name's power. They need to install a new icon for the church that is fast losing its significance. And John Paul II is the perfect stooge to play the part.
What I have is a very unpopular point of view. But they need to be said. I still maintain that I admire John Paul for some of his personal convictions, and maybe even partly as a good man. But not as my spiritual guru.
Good post, although at 1st I thought it might be about figuring out who should be the next pope by simon cowell commenting on their performance and people phoning and text messaging their choices.
now that would be scary.
--RC of
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