PostScript on the DaVinci Code

Quite frankly, I don't know what the fuss was all about. All these nincompoops crying and demanding to ban the movie obviously have not even a slight inkling of what they're talking about. Watch the movie, then wail if you hate it.
If anything, I felt the movie was very cautious and apologetic. I read the book so I saw the stuff, big and small, that was changed for cinematic license. I know that in the book Robert Langdon was not cynical to the Holy Grail tale that was perpetuated by the book. In the film version, Langdon's character appear to be confused with the concept.
Then there was the line among the bishops: "You do know if the Vatican finds out about this, we will be excommunicated." Therefore, directly telling us that Rome had nothing to do with the conspiracies.
So where was the blasphemy? Oh yeah, that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and they had possibly passionate sex resulting to an offspring. And a daughter at that. On this issue, Langdon himself put to words my sentiment: Why can't Jesus be a father and still do all those miracles?
What difference did it make that he was human who had carnal needs and still preached about loving thy neighbor and following God's commandments? And we're just in the argument of him being human.
What if God turns out to be a woman, a black guy, a gay man...or a giant ape? That doesn't change the fact that he's a genius who created all things with a grand design. That doesn't change the fact that he/she/it is this omnipotent being who created the whole universe.
So what is wrong with these people shoving down our throats their brand of morality and worship? The answer is they're just plain stupid.
Stupidity should be a mortal sin. Because God gave humans a superior brain, putting it to waste should be the highest form of blasphemy as far as I'm concerned.
I liked the movie, not because it was a masterpiece. Nor do I think it deserves any cinematic award. I like it simply because it makes us think.
Apparently, the stupid feels thinking is dangerous.
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