He's Now Up In Croc Heaven...

I was sad when I heard the news of his passing.
To some ignorant globs who think the earth is theirs to exploit, Irwin came across as some weirdo. Battling giant crocs like that and playing with deadly snakes. But to all of us who share his love for the wildlife, Irwin was a revolutionist.
He protected the 'creepy crawlers' many loathe -- Reptiles. Seeing him interact with them with affection soften our own view toward these misunderstood animals. His passion, his life has been dedicated to saving every living creature in this world and has encouraged us simplefolks to join the fold.
He will be greatly missed. Not only by the human race, but the animal kingdom as well. I can almost hear them salute in one big growl: 'Crikey, Steve!'
Read the story: Croc Hunter Steve Irwin Dead >>
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