Friday, August 10, 2007

And The Stars Start to Align...

So I'd like to think so.

Or maybe this is just another one of my "freefalling" phases, taking the road to the left of the fork and disarming myself of all caution. But what's life without these kind of adventures?

Where's the fun in always following that dotted line? Wear bright pink once in a while! Shed your hair short after a millennia of tying it in a knot. Because when people tell you, "You haven't aged!" it means you've always donned that 'manang' fashion all your life.

Hey, the middle of the ocean will not come for you (dear God, let it not!), you have to leave the shore to reach it. And the peak of Everest will not bow its alps so you can touch the ice (again, dear God, let it not!).

You get the point.

To sum it all up, let my boy Billy Joe Armstrong sing it out for you:

"It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right..."

It's the time of your life. Make the most out of it!


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