
for what if it fades away
it was not meant to prosper anywayand no one will accept even if
we bleed for it
love is subject to everyone'sapprovalany less would be to sinto break the commandment of a
human god
so let us walk the endless journey
see if love is round as the world
if death should find me before
you dothen we are punished
sentenced to a lonely cell
for as long as we lived.
'I'm Too Sexy for God...'

Apparently there's a very unpopular beatitude, which religions failed to tell us: Blessed are the ugly for God sends wrath to the beautiful ones....If God created humans based on His image, it should mean we're beautiful. But if we are to believe the natural selection, it may mean that God is a monkey. Ok, the sky is darkening and I feel lighting approaching...Anyway, what led me to this topic is the news about an Italian religion teacher who was fired by the church because she was deemed 'too attractive' to teach the Word of God. If you'll ask any soul who went through boring Sunday school, it would very much help to understand the Bible if it's not being explained to you by a 'righteous' old person who has no idea what she's takling about.I mean, if I was God I would stump in sheer horror! "I AM NOT STUPID! I AM GOD!" And if the teacher is attractive, she would be doing the church a big favor by recruiting more and more religion students. Sure they won't hear a word of the Word, but that's better than seeing them thrashing out in pubs or doing drugs.The teacher in her defense, argued that she dresses normally when she's at work, and dresses the way she likes during her private time. Therefore, she's not showing her boobies while talking about Gomorrah.However, the church defended itself by saying that the teacher (Caterina Bonci) was fired because she's a divorced woman. And she should not be teaching religion for a Church that does not recognize divorce. They can't keep a divorced woman, but they harbor priests who commit sexual abuses against little altar boys. There's hyprocricy there somewhere, very hard to fathom...Oh well, if you're curious just how attractive Ms. Bonci is, and to read more about her story, simply click here.All I can say is, the Church is in very big trouble if God turns out to be a woman...