Yes, I'm Angry!
I consider myself a simple employee here in Manila. And I do pride myself in elevating my position, skills, and knowledge throughout the 10 or so years that I have been working.

Wait a minute, what about me? What about the millions of Filipino employees who keep the economy afloat all year round? What about us who pay our taxes not always willingly just so the government will have money to feed the poor, to give out services, and to pay these good-for-nothing politicians in Congress?
What about me and a dozen of my friends who resist leaving this place for a "greener pasteur" in foreign lands? Who gives us credit? Who defends our place in history?
This is not sour-graping and I am not discrediting the OFWs. But it can really get very offensive when politicians and those bozos in the media give all praises to a certain sector while totally ignoring another's contribution.
Well this is what I have to say. We choose to stay here because we believe in the capabilities of every Filipino to clean up this mess of a country. While greedy politicians stand on the podium screetching out useless speeches, we work our asses not only to earn ourselves meals three times a day but also to help the companies we work for to keep on thriving so we will have jobs to return to the next day. And because other employees depend on these companies, if they fail so rises the unemployment rate.
We choose to stay here not because we have nowhere else to go but because we love this country and we will not let it go to the dogs without a fight. We choose to stay here because we would rather work toward the betterment of this country rather than let another country benefit from our highly-demanded skills. And because of that we deserve better treatment rather than receiving resentments because we can afford to sip a P100 coffee at Starbucks.
We do not accept the gripes of those pea-brained people who accuse us of being part of the "no-good middle class elite" just because we managed to be successful and able to lift ourselves from drowning in self-pity. No sir, we simply decided to focus all our energy to more important things than looking for faults in this government. Let me ask you, if God decides to be the president of this country, will everyone be finally satisfied?
I do resent the poor for being so self-centered. They want to reap the benefits without lifting a single finger. Free education, free housing, free health services, free food! You're complaining there's not enough of them, well it's because we cannot give you everything you need. You'll have work for the part that's still missing. Those services are not hand-outs, just some things to keep you on your feet.
This country, and the whole world for that matter, do not owe you any favors. That's the most important learning I gained in my 30 years living on this planet. If I want something I will have to work hard to get it, because the world will not give it to me on a silver platter.
I'm not saying all, but many poor individuals are simply too lazy to work. They keep producing children without thinking of their future, worse they depend on their children to work for them. I can't say they're stupid because I believe that stupidity is also the result of dormancy. And they want us to give them everything for free?!
Somebody slap me and give me a break!
And to all those half-witted politicians who pretend to further the poor people's cause, I dare them to give up their pork barrels to give to the impoverished. To stop buying imported SUVs and multiple houses in Forbes and Ayala-Alabang, to empty the contents of their Swiss accounts.
Yes, I dare Erap and his minions to do just that! Stop weeping in front of the cameras claiming abuse from the powers that be. Do not insult our intelligence! The sad part is, the poor indulge in that underdog tales of "inaapi".
Me and my friends have this proposal to the government. Let all those who want to leave the country go and earn their VISAs. Only those who want to stay and work toward this country's progress will remain and just maybe, this place will be much better than the quagmire that it is now.
And then we will see who are the real heroes of this nation.