Praying for Me? No Thanks.
If you're having medical problems and someone tells you they'll pray for your quick recovery, you better think twice...
A recent study shows that praying over a patient dosen't really help, but rather adds complications to their recovery.
In the largest study of its kind, researchers found that having people pray for heart bypass surgery patients had no effect on their recovery. In fact, patients who knew they were being prayed for had a slightly higher rate of complications.

The study involved 1800 heart patients who underwent surgery. Researchers were quick to add that their work does not address the issue of whether God exists or not. They also have no explanation on why patients being prayed over have higher complications that those who only have a slight idea that someone maybe praying for their health.
Naturally, religious folks were quick to retaliate against this findings. As Habakkuk's Watchpost insists:
"This totally means that God doesn't exist, doesn't it! At the very least, there goes a big chunk of the prayers of the people. The studies show that God doesn't take our prayers for health very seriously."
The way I see it, this could really hurt the evangelical business. Imagine those TV pastors asking everyone to raise their hands and pray for so and so, to lift up their souls to god...tearfully asking heaven to heal his brothers and sisters.
Damn, now their saying it'll only make things worse! Oh yeah? well about those testifying they were healed?
I don't know the answers to that. Personally I don't like being prayed over. Freaks me out. God knows that. I can see him chuckling when someone puts his hand over my head and recites a litany. I literally feel like Satan being told to "leave this body!"
We've only touched the tip of this great debate. But science don't lie either. And it's not exactly the evil of our times.
As for my soul, I think God and I are pretty cool. We have this love-hate relationship. I give him a piece of my humongous mind and he, well he could whip my ass when I'm being a total prick. Which is unfair because it's not like I can strike back...
Uhm, i think i better end this post with that note. I think can hear the heavens rumbling again...