The Departed; Scorsese Big Oscar Winners! Weeee!
The very long production of the 2007 Oscar Awards just wrapped up and as always you can count on them to pull some surprises.
Martin Scorsese was finally awarded with an Oscar Best Director, 26 years and six nominations after, while his The Departed was honored Best Picture.
The Departed was highly successful both commercially and critically. Ergo, it deserved to be named the best flick by the Academy. And Scorsese, man, it would be harsh disrespect to see those thick bushy brows fall sideways again because of another disappointment.
The surprise this year was Eddie Murphy not winning Best Supporting Actor, which I applaud. Because c'mon, I've seen enough clip of Dreamgirls to know that if you close your eyes you would think Donkey transformed into a Hollywood ass.
Although Jennifer Hudson won. Didn't like that one. Once again, Cate Blanchett was robbed!
And Leo DiCaprio didn't win again. Don't worry, dear, if you stay on your course you may just be the Scorsese of acting. Pretty soon they won't be able to ignore you anymore.
Labels: 2007 oscars, Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, oscar awards, Oscar Best Picture, The Departed