Eh-oh, Tinky Winky Is Not Gay, He's British!

If you're not familiar with the Teletubbies, this Brit TV program aimed at pre-schoolers have characters named Laa-laa, Dipsy, Po, and the always cheerful Tinky Winky. Their vocabulary is pretty much limited to "eh-oh" meaning hello, and "uh-oh" meaning oh, dear!
Tinky Winky is the most controversial of them all being a guy and always carrying his magical red bag.
Poor Tinky is not new to these attacks. A few years ago a US pastor blasted the teletubby for being 'gay'. The evidence seem all convincing: "He is purple - the gay-pride colour; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle - the gay-pride symbol."
But I say, someone's sexuality is nobody's business. Even if that someone is a cartoon! Because, duh, you think all those toon characters we watched as a kid are all straight? Take time to ponder these:
Winnie the Pooh. is a guy with a girl's name. Plus he has no underpants, thus, diplaying his pee-pee everywhere he goes.
Tweety. How many of you know that this little bird is actually a guy?!
Ernie & Bert. Two guys living together? Where the hell are their parents?
Barney. A purple dinosaur who likes kids? He's the most dangerous of all, soon enough he'll snap and eat all those children!
So lay-off Tinky Winky. For all you know he's not really gay. He's British for God's sake.
Labels: gay cartoons, teletubbies, tinky winky