That's Still Sir Bono To You!

Bono received his knighthood yesterday, but 'don't call him sir!' Okay, I''ll just call him Love then.
This is only the latest of international honors he's been deservingly getting for all his humanitarian work and artistic achievements, which include the Legion d'Honneur from France and the Order of Liberty from Portugal.
However, the knighthood doesn't offer Bono full rights and privileges of a British knight, including the title of 'sir', as he is not a citizen. Not that anyone really cares, he's probably far more honorable than half of all those other Sirs.
Ten years from now, maybe even less, I expect him to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Because hell yeah, he should!
Read here the full story of his transformation into Sir Bono.
Labels: Bono, Bono knighted, Nobel Peace Prize, Paul Hewson, U2
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