Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Summer 2008 Getaway

Summer it is and it doesn't fail to remind us under the sweltering heat. But you know what that means...time for my getaway!!!!

Didn't go far this year, though, my friends and I sought escape at a nearby beach resort in Batangas. Well it's relatively near from Manila at less than 3 hours of travel...that's if you know where you're going.

We got lost. Not once. Not twice. But thrice!!! How can one get lost thrice? We have no excuse, we just followed a vague map and a, as we realized later, super summarized driving direction. We wasted a lot of time that we reached our destination way after sundown. I can sea the ocean waving like one giant black monster. It was a different story the next day.

I can't post my photos like I did the past years as I believe Flickr has decided to halt its free service. I'm not even sure if my photos are still there. I'll have a check later. If I can I'll post my new ones for my three readers to see :p

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